M Android would be released by the next Nexussmartphone

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Surely you remember that in the framework of
the conference Google I / O 2015 was
announced the next version of the mobile
operating system company, which by now we
know him simply as Android M. This is the major
version of Android for 2016 and with it Google
hopes to capture more of the market, as if the
1,000 million Android devices out there that
there are not enough. As we said, the next
version does not yet have a definitive name, or
rather, the public does not yet know what that

Fortunately it will not go long before we
learn, because if recent rumors are true then the
new version will debut in a few months with the
new Nexus smartphone family.
Previous reports indicated that Google would
launch two smartphones Nexus this year: one
would be manufactured by LG, while Huawei
would be in charge of the other. Google has
worked with LG Nexus devices in the past, but it
would be the first time that the networking giant
is working with Huawei to launch a smartphone.

Android M will hit the market as part of LG
Angler, which is the code name that receives
the new Nexus mobile company. It is expected
that the device belongs to the range sector and
also count on a reasonable price, similar to what
we are accustomed Google with the rest of their
terminals Nexus family.

LG said the Angler would have a Quad HD 5-inch
screen, would use a Snapdragon 810 processor
(v2 presumably) would also 3 GB of RAM and
integrate a USB connector Type C, one of the
few that will carry one (other case is the
OnePlus 2). Mobile is expected to count on
significant design changes. Of course none of
this was officially confirmed yet, so if you do not
trust a lot of rumors will be better to wait for an
official announcement.

Blog, Updated at: 9:51 PM


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